​April 1st - Election Day.
Vote for your Caucus Candidates!
Mail-in Voting starts March 7th.
Request your ballot here - starting Feb. 25th.
Three ways to vote
Caucus Candidates run in the Consolidated General Election. Tuesday, April 1st
Mail-In - Request Now, Submit March 7th - March 27th. Ballots must be postmarked by April 1st.
Request a ballot through the mail or in person. Requests for ballots must be received by March 27th and postmarked by election day.
Everything you need to know about mail-in voting. Download an application, mail it in, get it done before Spring Break.
Early Voting - March 17th-March 31st
Closest polling place is Centennial Ice Arena, 2300 Old Glenview Road, Wilmette.
M-Sat: 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Sundays: 10:00 AM-4:00 PM
Other early polling places, check here.
Tuesday, April 1st - Election Day
Other stuff:
Where’s my polling place? Am I registered to vote? What are the dates to register? Am I registered in the right precinct? Here you go!
Anything else? Try here.
Thank you for supporting your 2025 Caucus Slate!